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In search of the STORY...

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Mike Schuh

Visual Storyteller

Content Creator


​Network Writer

Podcast Host

Premier Pro Editor


Nice Guy




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There is always a story behind a

person, a business, an organization, a product.


           Let's find your story.



My story starts with an admission.  Early on I realized if I wanted to be good, I needed to ask for help from those who are great. The greats gather for a week every year in Oklahoma at a seminar that changes lives.  It certainly changed mine. 


Now I'm on the Faculty of that very seminar and give thanks to those who taught me and to those who have trusted me to tell their stories.   I give credit to the subjects and what they've told me about their lives.  Such is the stuff which has separated my work and led to numerous industry awards including Emmy's and an Edward R. Murrow.  


Teaching leads to clarity.  By helping corporations and journalists find focus, I am constantly challenged to continue to produce compelling and meaningful work.  These days, there are many buzz-words thrown about to describe the sounds and images seen for only a few seconds but are remembered hours, days, weeks, or years later.  ALL experiences like those start with knowing and executing the fundamentals of how to tell a story, find moments, and meaning.


Strong characters are needed to tell great stories. These people are everywhere. It doesn't matter if they're a front-line worker or the exec in the board room, the trick is to find those people and draw out their stories.  MS StoryWorks specializes in doing just that: Identifying strong characters  and showing the world what makes them, their ideas, or companies special.


If you hire me to find and share your story you'll get someone who is open-minded, creative, easy to work with, and brings a news-style efficiency to his work and deadlines. During my career executives and business owners have trusted me to produce projects across the US and in Canada, Denmark, Ecuador, Ghana, Japan, Malta, The Netherlands, Nicaragua, Saudi Arabia, and twice in Iceland.


With a valid US Passport I am ready to go down the street or around the world. My personal and technical gear are always packed and pre-staged. Where can I go for you?  w

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